1. Thanks for all the comments on the vest! I'm so glad it sounds like a couple of you are going to buy Sweaters From Camp. Have fun with it. :-)
2. It sounds like it may take longer than anticipated for my cone of black yarn to arrive for Ingeborg. As in, I have no idea when it will come. Maybe tomorrow, maybe 2007. So, sorry to anybody in the Norwegian Knitalong coming here looking for Nordic knitting. It may be a while. However, I did knit the hem this weekend. I figured that way I'll at least be able to start on the actual colorwork right away whenever the yarn does arrive. For the record, I didn't do the twisted texture pattern on the hem. I opted for plain stockinette, because I didn't want it to look too busy. Here's an uninformative photo of it, with what exists of the second Retro Rib sock:

3. I guess this means the only ongoing projects I have at the moment are the socks and the lace scarf. As I don't particularly feel like working on the lace scarf right now, let's make believe I've only got socks, with no idea about when I'll be able to get started on some real meaty knitting. I've been thinking about casting on for something completely different, with stuff sitting around in my stash.
Are you curious about what my stash looks like? If you really want to know, there are photos
here, and
here. As you can see, I mostly have leftovers from various projects, plus stash for Ingeborg, the yarn for redoing A's sweater (which really needs to be washed and de-kinked, which I don't feel like doing now), and that green recycled yarn, which is in pretty good shape. (It's from a sweater that was actually mine, but way too big on me. How I could only get 1000-1100 yards of yarn from an aran that was way too big on me is a mystery. Did I lose a piece of it somewhere?)
I've been thinking about using that green yarn for something. One idea is Veste Everest, from Interweave Knits. But I'm not sure about that, as the photos I've seen on blogs make it look not quite as interesting as the one in the magazine. But it's still kind of nice, and would be a nice little knit. I've also been thinking of using it, combined with leftover yarn from Rogue, for
Sesame from Magknits. On one hand, that sweater looks really cozy, and like something I'd wear all the time. On the other time, it's not the most interesting knit, and I'm afraid that there is a bit too much of a texture and density difference between the two yarns I want to use.
Here is a photo of the yarns for color comparison. I think they'd go well together color-wise.
Yesterday I was leaning toward Sesame, but today I'm thinking not. I'm leaning toward Veste Everest, but am not convinced. Do any of you have pattern suggestions? You know my style and taste, so I trust what you have to say.
4. I have no idea where my Nordic Mittens are. I've been afraid to really turn over the house looking for them, because I'm afraid I still won't find them, and then I'd panic. I hadn't seen them in a while, and assumed they were in my red wool coat, until I put it on last week and found the mittens weren't there, either. Did I leave them somewhere. Should I put up "lost mittens" signs all over town if I upturn the house and can't find them? *sob* I'm such a spaz.
5. Mostly completely off topic, a lot of the knitting I did on the Ingeborg hem and the second RR sock were done while watching the gymnastics world championships during the wee hours of the morning, as it was airing live from Australia. I was working on the hem when Cheng Fei won gold on the vault, with the bestest vaults, ever. In fact, part of the reason I chose to work on that red hem was because red is an auspicious color in China, and I felt like being superstitious. Also, because some of us rabid gymnastics fans have this thing about red yarn, going back to the days (mostly in the 70s and 80s) when the best gymnasts in the world simply wore yarn in their hair (often red), instead of sparkles and glitter and all that junk. So as a tribute to the wonderfulness that was Feifei's vaulting, and to the good memories that will now forever be associated with my Ingeborg, here are a couple of pictures for y'all: