Saturday, November 07, 2009

The best thing I've ever made?

(At least so far.)

Here's a reminder of how I started:


Greasy corriedale locks, scoured to a creamy white. Creamy white locks hand combed into fluffballs of top. Top spun into 7 bobbins of singles, then plied into several skeins of a 3 ply aran weight yarn. Aran weight yarn sent to Amy for dyeing.

Here's where it got me:

Handspun Manon is done!

Manon, designed by Norah Gaughan, knit from a sheep. Whee!

I knit the 38" size at a slightly tighter gauge, for a 34" - 35" sweater, and of course lengthened the sleeves. Here are some more views:

M-an-ontage 2

All that work, and I'm not sure that there's much more to say. It was fun and interesting to knit, and is a pleasure to wear. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I am kind of doing it again. This time it's a cormo fleece, dyed by me in lock formation, to become some other sweater. Perhaps in several months it will become my new best thing I've ever made.