people make me happy
I have so much to share on the blog, and this post will be dedicated to other people making me very happy. It's a bit of a loosey-goosey theme, but it's a theme nonetheless.
I have to start off with what might be my favorite finished knitting project from this past summer. A long time ago I sent a skein of handspun to Sasha. I spun the yarn from a pile of rainbow colored merino top, and it was spectacular and bright, but not quite what I had imagined in my head. I wasn't sure that I could do it justice, but knew that it would be perfect for Sasha, who is a bright, rainbow-y person. Here are some photos of the magic she worked, posted with her permission:

You can see more photos and information on Sasha's project page for the scarf, or on her blog, linked above.
Another person who made me happy this summer is David, from Red Maple Sportswear, who emailed me to ask permission to display my Francie sock as a sample at his booth at Rhinebeck. I was touched that he thought to ask permission (of course it's okay!), and agreed that I'd let people know about his Rhinebeck booth in exchange. I've never used his products, and won't be at Rhinebeck, myself, but he sounds like a great guy, and I wish I could visit the booth. So if you're going to be there, stop by his booth and say hi, if you think of it. (Please note that I'm not posting this as a paid advertisement, or anything. Simply a fun exchange between a couple of fibery people.)
To complete the theme of other people making me happy, I have my Party Like It's 1999 socks:

I start knitting these socks in June, at the airport on my way to my 10 year college reunion. It was a last minute decision to attend, thanks to the encouragement and help of my friends, and I had an amazing time. Some people think of their high school years as the best time of their youth (or maybe that's only in cheesy movies?), but for me it was college. It was a wonderful weekend with old friends, old places, old smells, and lots of laughs and hugs. I'm so glad I went, and these socks (knit out of Socks That Rock lightweight, in the Never On Sunday colorway) will always remind me of that weekend.
I have to start off with what might be my favorite finished knitting project from this past summer. A long time ago I sent a skein of handspun to Sasha. I spun the yarn from a pile of rainbow colored merino top, and it was spectacular and bright, but not quite what I had imagined in my head. I wasn't sure that I could do it justice, but knew that it would be perfect for Sasha, who is a bright, rainbow-y person. Here are some photos of the magic she worked, posted with her permission:

You can see more photos and information on Sasha's project page for the scarf, or on her blog, linked above.
Another person who made me happy this summer is David, from Red Maple Sportswear, who emailed me to ask permission to display my Francie sock as a sample at his booth at Rhinebeck. I was touched that he thought to ask permission (of course it's okay!), and agreed that I'd let people know about his Rhinebeck booth in exchange. I've never used his products, and won't be at Rhinebeck, myself, but he sounds like a great guy, and I wish I could visit the booth. So if you're going to be there, stop by his booth and say hi, if you think of it. (Please note that I'm not posting this as a paid advertisement, or anything. Simply a fun exchange between a couple of fibery people.)
To complete the theme of other people making me happy, I have my Party Like It's 1999 socks:

I start knitting these socks in June, at the airport on my way to my 10 year college reunion. It was a last minute decision to attend, thanks to the encouragement and help of my friends, and I had an amazing time. Some people think of their high school years as the best time of their youth (or maybe that's only in cheesy movies?), but for me it was college. It was a wonderful weekend with old friends, old places, old smells, and lots of laughs and hugs. I'm so glad I went, and these socks (knit out of Socks That Rock lightweight, in the Never On Sunday colorway) will always remind me of that weekend.