snip snip snip

(If you want to see a bigger photo, check out this view.)
I guess that means my task for today is to soak and block the sweater. Of course, it's so humid here that it seems like a thankless task. Unless the thunderstorms I desperately hope we get this afternoon really clear the air, this thing is going to take forever and a day to dry.
I've decided to block before attaching the shoulders together because it seems like it will be easier to pin out two single layers of fabric than a double layer. You'll notice that the shape is somewhat of a modified drop sleeve, since some of the body stitches are not continued past the armpits. This will make accurate blocking a bit more difficult than it would be with a traditionally rectangular shaped fair isle sweater body, since I can't just block all parts of it to the same width. Not that it will be too terribly difficult to get it right, but I think doing it before the shoulder bindoff is done will make it a bit easier to fiddle around with things.
In other news, I have discarded my Lorna's Laces. I'll use it for a different pair of socks (or maybe even a non-sock project), but I decided I wasn't happy with how the striping was working with the lace. Instead of stripes, which I got on the ribbed hem, I was getting more of a mottled effect in the lace. It made the lace really difficult to see, even when I was concentrating on it. It was so difficult to even read my own knitting that I ripped it out and cast on with some solid Kroy. I was a bit cranky about that yesterday, as I was really looking forward to knitting with Lorna's Laces again. I was also not sure about whether I wanted solid orange socks. (I bought the yarn when Elann had it on sale over a year ago. I don't think I own any orange clothing. What possessed me to order orange sock yarn is beyond me.) Now that I'm a couple of pattern repeats in, I'm actually quite fond of the color. It's actually not as wild and scary of an orange as I always seem to remember, when the yarn is hidden away in a drawer.
And on another new note, I decided to submit the colorwork bag I recently knit to Debbie Stoller, for the new Stitch 'N Bitch book. It's going to be a book with more advanced designs, and I thought it was worth a shot to submit the design. I'm a bit concerned about the fact that the colorwork itself is from a different book, with just a minor modification, so I'm going to try to work on some original colorwork charts. If Debbie decides she doesn't want the bag for her book, I might try to put together an enhanced pattern (with a few colorwork chart options), to sell on my own.
EDIT: I thought I should take a second to thank all of the folks who have been leaving me flattering and helpful comments lately. The commenting system Blogger uses makes it a pain (or impossible) to actually reply to people, but rest assured that your comments are received and appreciated. One of these days I need to figure out how to switch to a comment system that will allow for easier replies...
I use Halo on mine and it's ok for responding via email to those who comment, but I have to say nothing beats the commenting system LiveJournal has in place. Makes me pout a bit that I haven't found anything similar to implement on Blogger.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the colourwork bag, and if it makes it into Ms. Stoller's new book....well, it might be the first of her's I'll ever have purchased. The others have left me completely uninspired.
I would probably buy that bag pattern if you did decide to sell it. I'm assuming it's the one you did in two shades of blue Patons merino?
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